

Project completion at the Wels central control station—430 monitored freeway kilometers

To keep an eye on over 430 kilometers of Austrian freeways and highways around the clock, ASFINAG installed a new regional traffic management headquarters.
In the Wels traffic management headquarters, ASFINAG operates and monitors 12 tunnels and over 430 kilometers of freeway equipped with traffic guidance systems, cameras, parking lots, building services and pumping stations.
AutomationX supplied the new control system with over 3,300 process displays. 1.1 million data points and 1,100 integrated cameras are monitored at three work stations. For the first time, a completely integrated graphical interface was developed for seamless operation. All systems required for operation—for example emergency calling, ticketing, building site management, event database—were completely integrated into the control system. For the operator, inconvenient system and software changes are now a thing of the past.
Intelligent new features such as real-time radar provide additional clarity and assist the operator in carrying out his or her responsibilities.

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